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Sreeshna's games:


Sreeshna is excited about her latest work on optomechanics, and tried to build an optical interferometer with hanging mirror. It is not optomechanics since there is no radiation pressure force but still there is optics and mechanics. In fact, she succeeded. For a theoretician, I will give it an A+

Experiment 1

Compared with experiment 1, experiment 2 has more stable interference fringes.

Publications and Achievements

1. Sreeshna Subhash, Sanket Das, Tarak Nath Dey, Yong Li, and Sankar Davuluri. Enhancing the force sensitivity of a squeezed light optomechanical interferometer. Opt. Express, 31(1):177–191, Jan 2023.

2. S. Subhash and S. Davuluri, "Using quantum optical restoring force to overcome standard quantum limit," in Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper QW2A.23.

Brief description of the publication 1 :
Breaking the squeezed light optomechanical interferometer limit by using a hybridized method. The fluctuations in the optical restoring force counterbalance the fluctuations in the radiation pressure force. The fundamental limit meant in the video is the standard quantum limit.

* Awarded to Sreeshna S for outstanding poster presentation at the "Frontier Symposium in Physics 2023" held at IISER Thiruvananthapuram, 24-26, February 2023.

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